GGM's Lab Apps

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GGM's Lab
這是一個將 NCC (資料彙整的一個應用程式。其餘資訊可以參考專案網頁 以及原始碼。註:資料尚未完整,任何資訊以 NCC 網站為主,如有錯誤請見諒。This is an NCC ( a collectionofapplication data. The remaining information can refer totheproject page and source Data not yet complete, any information based NCCwebsite,if wrong, please forgive me.
Cramdroid ToolTip Beta beta
GGM's Lab
Cramdroid is an easy-to-use andpowerfultesting service for Android developers, managers, andtesters.Cramdroid makes it easy for developers to manage testers,pushnew app releases, and monitor logs in real-time. We also hackedtheSkitch Android app to make it easy for testers to takescreenshots,annotate them, and sync them back to developers.You can download itfrom: ToolTip is a helper tool that help users tocapturescreenshot and send feedback to Cramdroid server.It will appear as a floating bubble on the screen, and when youtapon it, it'll automatically capture screenshot for you.Ifthere'sSkitich( phone, you can modify the screenshot with it !!
Cramdroid Beta beta
GGM's Lab
Cramdroid is a magic tool that connectsAndroiddevelopers and testers.Feeling annoying when you try to install your developing apptoall kind of devices?You want to let testers test your app, but feeling insecurebecauseyou cannot monitor logs anymore?You endure hardship while collecting the feedback from theusersabout UI and user flow?Or, you finally get comments from users , yet all thoseinformationis just a mess?If you have encountered scenarios above, Cramdroid is heretosave your day!We Provide:* Quickly distribute apks to all the testers.* Monitor log simultaneously.* Easy UI to manage your projects.* Convenient Tools for testers to send feedback.* Connect to Evernote to provide organized feedbackinformation.